Glackin Physiotherapy Blog

Living Pain Free

Conquer Lower Back Pain with Proper Deadlift Technique

Deadlifts, when performed with proper form and technique, can be a powerful tool in alleviating lower back pain. By engaging the core muscles and strengthening the posterior chain, including the lower back, hamstrings, and glutes, deadlifts promote spinal stability and support. However, it's essential to ensure correct form and gradually increase weight to avoid exacerbating existing pain and injuries.

Athlete wearing blue shorts and black t-shirt lifting big barbell-1

Shoulder Mastery: Vital Health Insights

While shoulder pain may appear trivial, it's a prevalent and impactful concern affecting up to 70% of individuals at...

Broken Collar Bone

Your clavicle, or collar bone, is the front anchor of your shoulder joint and one of the main parts of your AC joint....

Pain in Shoulder Blades

Many people report pain in the shoulder blades. ...but the shoulder blade is a massive area with multiple attachments...

Rotator Cuff Tear

I want you to imagine your shoulder as a golf ball sitting on a tee.

Neck and Shoulder Pain

Neck and shoulder pain is a prevalent and often interrelated issue that can significantly impact our daily lives....

Shoulder Instability

To understand shoulder joint instability, or frequent shoulder dislocations, you need to understand the other...

Pain In Between the Shoulder Blades

The shoulder blades (AKA scapulas) are a common culprit in shoulder pain complaints.

Separated AC Joint

Your acromioclavicular, or AC, joint is the connection point where all parts of your shoulder meet and move together as...

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder has a few different names, but is known as adhesive capsulitis to the medical community. I know, the...

Maxillomandibular Surgery and TMJ Pain

Although maxillomandibular surgery is used to improve the structure of the jaw, a handful of orofacial and...

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At Glackin Physiotherapy, our mission is to ensure you receive optimal care and achieve the best outcomes from your physical therapy treatment. We're dedicated to your well-being every step of the way.

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Ready to take the next step towards improved health and wellness? Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services. We're here to support you on your journey to a healthier, pain-free life!