You're positive. Unfortunately positive isn't a good thing in this scenario. Hopefully you and your loved ones faired well with your Covid-19 infection. Are you feeling ready to get back to your regular activities? Exercise might be at the top of the list.
Can I jump right into exercise?
There is an essential point to keep in mind as you start increasing your activity level again. Your body might be over the acute phase of the infection, but there may be some underlying irritation in the respiratory system that continues beyond the fevers, couch and shortness of breath. There are many reported cases of "long covid" symptoms that are incredibly impactful.
You should be asymptomatic for at least 7 days prior to return to exercise
Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
To better understand how to progress your exercise, we need to discuss the Rating Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale. This scale measures how hard you think an activity is. There's no right answer and it's different for everyone.
6 No exertion 14
7 Extremely light 15 Hard (heavy)
8 16
9 Very light 17 Very hard
10 18
11 Light 19 Extremely hard
12 20 Maximal Exertion
13 Somewhat hard
Any abnormal shortness of breath for a given activity level, or return of symptoms including temperature, lethargy or chest pain is an indicator to stop and follow up with your physician.
Phases of Exercise
Minimally 7 days should be spent at each phase to allow your body to adapt
Phase 1
Goal: Prepare for return to exercise. Activities: Breathing exercises, stretching, balance, light walking. RPE level: 6-8
Phase 2
Goal: Low intensity activity. Activity: walking, mild yoga, light housekeeping or yard work. Progress by 10-15 minutes per day
RPE Level: 6-11
Progression when you can walk for 30 minutes at an RPE of 11
Phase 3:
Goal: Moderate intensity aerobic and strength exercise
Activity: 2 blocks of 5 minutes of aerobic exercise with a recovery period in between. Add one block of exercise per day as tolerated
RPE Level: 12-14
Progression when can achieve 30 minute session and feel recovered after an hour.
Phase 4:
Goal: Return to baseline exercise. Activity: Regular exercise pattern. RPE Level: Greater than 15 as toleratedYou should only exercise if you feel recovered from the day before. Don't forget to spend a few minutes warming up and cooling down at the beginning and end of an exercise session.
If you have any concerns at all, hold all exercise until you can be seen by your physician.
Physical therapy for return to exercise post covid in Columbia and Baltimore, Maryland
If you are having trouble returning to exercise after covid reach out to our office today!